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Facewash Essentials: Unlocking the Secrets to Clear Skin

TPS Gentle Foaming Facewash

If your skincare routine is not even a bare minimum, you are giving very less value, and care to your skin, perhaps just a “Rinsey-Rinse”. We know it is hard to handle skin breakouts even after searching bundle of products which may claim to care for your skin and eliminate your acne, pimples, or any other breakouts. But still, you make a blunder and fall into the pit of claims and scams about achieving good skin.  

You might have thought a lot about buying that one right facewash when it comes with a lot of questions like Is it going to suit you? Is it safe? Is it compatible with your Skin type? So, whether you are having skin breakouts, acne, pimples, improper sex education, or identity crises. It hops onto your journey of growing up and stays with you if you do not know about it and do not act on it with proper help.  

As we have questioned ourselves on our skincare routine and its implications, it is important to recognize the myths related to acne & pimples that surround us.  

5 Common Misconceptions / Myths about Acne & Pimple Breakout:   

  • Greasy consumption of food cause breakouts  
    There is no proven evidence or scientific backup on whether consumption of greasy food like potato chips or Samosa can cause your skin to break out. However, if you’re someone who’s working in a greasy area like a restaurant kitchen you might get prone to one, since there will be more heat and oil build up on your face which might gradually lead to clogging your pores.
  • Dairy products are the contributors to breakouts, acne, pimples 
    Dairy products like milk, plain yoghurt, or curd itself will not cause your insulin levels to rise, however, unless and until you mix these products with sugar or food products which generally are high in a glycemic index like pizza, cookies, or sweetened yoghurt will do raise your insulin levels which can cause the breakouts.
  • Masturbation causes more acne and pimples   
    You might as well have come across one of such claims which may have caused a negative effect on your sex life too. However, for your good well-being, this claim is a false one, thus masturbation cannot contribute to your skin breakout. Hormonal imbalance can be one of the factors contributing to acne. Because the testosterone level during the climax is insignificant and only lasts up to a few minutes it will never cause any harm to your skin or its barriers. 
    Also, there is no scientific evidence of hormonal imbalance during masturbation to support the claim.    
  • Getting tanned helps with breakouts    
    This claim that getting tanned helps with breakouts is false. While spending some time in the sun might be relaxing for an hour and a half but exceeding it without a good sunscreen will cause a higher risk of getting exposed to harmful UV rays, which will in result causes many skins related problems like skin cancer or hyperpigmentation. Which will ultimately make not only the skin on your face worse, but also the whole body. 

How to Choose the right facewash for your skin

Before beginning any facial treatment, it’s important to determine your skin type. This step is crucial for developing an effective skincare routine, whether you’re doing it at home or seeking professional help at a salon. Identifying your skin type helps assess whether a particular product will be suitable for your skin and deliver the desired results.    

There are three main skin types to consider:   

  • Oily Skin Type
    Characterized by a persistent oily sheen and a shiny appearance, this type is prone to acne and spots. When touched, the skin may feel oily, and the oil might be visible on your fingers. In comparison to dry skin, oily skin has a lower likelihood of experiencing breakage and damage.
  • Combination Skin Type
    This skin type presents a unique challenge as it can be both dry and oily. Managing combination skin requires separate products for different areas of the face with distinct needs.
  • Sensitive Skin Type
    Individuals with sensitive skin need to be cautious, as even slight contact can cause redness. Identifying this skin type is essential for selecting products that won’t trigger adverse reactions.

If you are interested in delving into a comprehensive guide on ‘How to know your Skin Type,’ explore our in-depth article at Understanding Your Skin Type for effective Skincare Routine 

Gentle Foaming Facewash

Key Ingredients to Look for in your Facewash based on Your Skin

If you have oily, dry or combination skin, (not a personal recommendation for sensitive skin type) you can never go wrong with these few ingredients to treat your skin:

  • Hyaluronic Acid   
  • Aloe Vera  
  • Cinnamomum Zeylanicum Bark 
  • Niacinamide   
  • Octocrylene   
  • Jojoba oil   
  • Shea butter   

Impact of Natural Ingredients in the Facewash

The impact of natural ingredients in facewashes is substantial, offering a range of benefits for skin health and overall well-being. Unlike chemical-laden counterparts, facewashes enriched with natural ingredients are often gentler and more nurturing to the skin.   

Natural ingredients bring forth various advantages, including their inherent ability to cleanse without harshness. They possess anti-inflammatory properties, making them suitable for sensitive skin types. Additionally, these ingredients often provide hydration, promoting a healthier and more radiant complexion.   

Some popular natural ingredients found in facewashes include aloe vera, Jojoba oil, shea butter, and Hyaluronic acid renowned for its soothing, and moisturizing properties. Cinnamomum Zeylanicum Bark is used for its antibacterial and acne-fighting capabilities, while chamomile offers calming effects, perfect for sensitive skin.
For an in-depth understanding, visit Importance of Natural Ingredients in Skin Care Products

How Harmful Chemicals in Facewash Affect Your Skin

Harmful chemicals can adversely affect the skin, leading to issues like irritation, allergies, and even skin cancer. Examples include Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), causing dryness and redness, Parabens disrupting hormones, Phthalates linked to reproductive problems, and irritating fragrances. Alcohol, found in many products, can strip away natural oils, resulting in dryness and irritation.  

How to avoid these Harmful Chemicals:  

  • Read the Label: Check product ingredients for harmful chemicals such as SLS, parabens, phthalates, and fragrances.  
  • Choose Trusted Brands: Opt for products from brands known for using safe and natural ingredients.  
  • Avoid Strong Scents: Fragrances can cause skin irritation; choose unscented products when possible.  
  • Patch Test: Before using a new product, perform a patch test on a small skin area to check for any adverse reactions.  

Learn Proper Face washing Techniques

Washing your face properly is crucial for healthy skin. It clears away dirt, oil, and makeup that can clog pores and cause breakouts. Use lukewarm water and a gentle facewash, massaging for at least 30 seconds, paying extra attention to the T-zone. Rinse thoroughly and pat your face dry with a towel.  

Importance of Staying Consistent in Skincare Routin

Consistency is vital for effective skincare. Choose a simple routine, set aside daily time for skincare, and keep your products handy. Adjust your routine if needed and give products time to work. This commitment helps maintain healthy and radiant skin. 

Our skin thrives on routine, consistent care helps regulate oil production, balances hydration levels, and allows active ingredients in your product to work effectively on your skin. Breakouts often result from fluctuations caused by irregular routines or abrupt changes in products.  

You can opt for a gentle, non-stripping facewash that suits your skin type. Use it twice a day to remove impurities, dullness, and prevent radicals from settling on your skin. Avoid harsh scrubbing or over-cleansing, as this can strip the skin or its natural oils and disrupts its balance, and skin barrier.  

Now that you have reached the end of this blog, we would like to appreciate your effort to stay confident even after having tough times with your skin, however, the mentioned tips would help you by adding a sense of knowledge and idea to your skincare regime. Let us know your experience or feedback in the comment below.   


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