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Understanding Your Skin Type for effective Skincare Routine 

A banner of a model applying skincare cream on her face.

What are the chances? of you buying sunscreen or getting your hands on a moisturizing cream that you might have come across by an enormous hype on social media feed. Yes! It is as high as you might’ve imagined. It is a full-blown 76 per cent of mark till now. Is it a good habit? Probably not. Is it a bad habit? Maybe a big YES! The reason behind this is deep down in the type of skin you may have.
Often people forget to check upon themselves if the product they are buying is suitable. Or worse to say some may don’t even know ‘What is my Skin Type?” really is. 
Let’s take the example of clothes- You go to the mall, you try different types of clothes, but you select only a few out of them because all don’t represent you. The same happens when you buy Skincare Products. While categorizing and choosing one which suits your benefit.  

This article will help you learn all the bits and pieces of knowledge on how to find your skin type and take care of it.  

Understanding One’s Skin Type:  

Before going any further read this one statement which might probably make you understand the whole point of the blog. However, we would love to make you go through the entire article to know the crux of it-   

When you buy a product, you need to know every skin type in this universe needs lubrication and hydration in the form of moisturizer and cleansing. But when we say, “all skin”, we generalize the majority of people on selecting their way of care in a specific set. For example- Oily, Dry, Combination, Normal, and Sensitive skin might opt for different products/methods for what we call “moisturizing and hydrating your skin”.  

Now that you’ve got the idea what we want to say let’s jump into understanding some points on “Types of Skin”.  

Your skin holds a lot of factors to consider when thinking of using a product. These factors differ on the balance like, how much sebaceous secretion is there, sensitivity levels, followed by hydration and lubrication. However, such small factors make a difference in the type of skin you may have.  

Know What are the 5 Most common skin Types : 

Combination Skin:   

India’s most known skin type. Defined by the overall climatic conditions within the country. This skin type is the most commonly to be found in India. Our Indian folks out there have this type of skin, where the T zone areas like the forehead, nose, and chin are found to be shiny`.
Whereas the area of the cheeks may feel taut, stretched, or even flaky on some days. This ‘Combination Type of Skin’ depends on a variety of aspects like- Where you live, travel, the changing of seasons through the year, stress, or hormonal functions.  

Oily Skin:  

There are many myths about oily skin, but one of our favourites is that “Oily Skin may not need products like moisturizer, hydrating creams, or sunscreen”. It is not so true! Oily skin needs as much attention as any type of skin on the spectrum of types. However, you need to be cautious about products which may cause you to get clogged pores, forming blackheads, whiteheads, and breakouts.  
There is still the majority of Indians who deal with this type of skin while having the worst of the skin routine, or absolutely not. You may love to know what happens with the Oily type of skin. The skin type naturally secretes more than needed sebaceous oil/ sebum. Which in turn makes your entire face look shiny and glossier- especially in the T-zone area. Which sometimes results in the worst of breakouts, and blackhead formations.   

Dry Skin:   

Contrary to the “Oily”, Dry Skin is a type when there is less secretion of sebum which in turn makes your skin feel either dry, flaky, taut, rough or stretched. This type of skin is actively prone to wrinkles at a very young age, and fine lines, also making a person look matte or dull most of the time.
If you are dealing with dry skin, you might need to look out for products enriched with rich moisturizing properties. One such product may contain Hyaluronic Acid which is good for dry skin as it holds and locks tremendous amounts of water making sure that the skin stays hydrated and moist all day long.   

Sensitive Skin:   

The most reactive skin type to ever exist. This skin is mostly prone to a lot of things. It gets reactive depending on the conditions a person has been through, climate reaction, stress, or how hormonal function. Hence, understanding your skin’s sensitivity and choosing products infused with natural goodness can also make a significant difference in your skincare routine.

However, it is wise for a person to take a visit to a Dermatologist before using any of the products easily available on the market. The symptoms might range from redness, itching, or dryness. However, it is also true that this type of skin is diverse and can play a niche part in all skin types available. For example. You may have oily skin, but also Sensitive. You may have dry skin, but also sensitive. You may deal with a combination while also having sensitive skin. This type of skin is often allergic or easily gets irritated by agents like- Fragrances in products, chemical compounds, or Dyes. So, when you buy any cleanser, moisturizer, or sunscreen you get to know that most of the products which you may buy have to be prescribed by a dermatologist.  

Normal Skin:   

In the skincare industry, normal skincare is often found to be called a “Model”, or “Gold Standard” of skincare. Due to its ability to adapt to the natural sebum secrete, and in the perfect amount makes it a perfect skin for all. However, it is not necessary to assume that this type of skin does not require skincare. It does require some attention as all skin needs, though it is simple to keep up with this type of skin as you need a proper hydrating product to lock in your moisture so that your skin barrier won’t be disturbed.  

Learn How to Self-Assess / Determine Your Skin Type :

The universally approved method is pretty accurate:   

Blotting Sheet Method:  If you’re wondering how to know what type of skin you have, the blotting sheet method is a simple and effective way to self-assess.

It is a method of pressing a blotting sheet up the areas where you feel there might be excess oil secrets.  

    • Cleanse your face thoroughly with a gentle cleanser.   

    • Pat it dry and then wait for up to 30 minutes.   

    • Take a blotting sheet and press (no stroke, or wipe) it to the areas you see excess oil.  

    • Hold the sheet up in the direction of the light  

    • If the sheet has a lot of oil, you may proceed to assume you have Oily Skin.   

    • If the sheet has less to no oil, you may proceed to assume you have dry skin.   

    • If you see very little oil even after pressing the sheet over all face you may proceed to assume you have normal skin.   

    • If you see the sheet to have oil only around from your T-zone you may proceed to assume to have combination skin.  

However, in the case of Sensitive, we recommend you go through the medical procedure and not take everything up to the method which is to be used at home.  

Why do we use Skincare differently even if they are all going to be moisturized and hydrated?  

No doubt that everyone’s skin is unique even though we generalize the term personal care into two simple things i.e., Moisturizing and hydrating. Different skin reacts differently to the method and the way you use any product. Normal skin may not need excessive careful treatment as sensitiv d the way you use any product. Normal skin may not need excessive careful treatment as sensitive, but both may stand equally important to keep the level of secretions and skin barrier on point. However, it is important to note your skin might be of any skin type and still sensitive.   

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